Big Boned Is A thing

Hello! mi van veled? I have been a busy lil bee because I needed to take awkward photos for a very fun project I have coming up.

Exhibit Awkward:
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High Achiever – good listen book Review
High Achiever by Tiffany Jenkins book review. quick review of the new memoir of a drug addict’s double life. read by the author.

Easy book to listen to while running, eating or whatever else people do.

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0 seconds of 6 minutes, 12 seconds

4 perces álló alapvető edzés a futók számára


But let’s talk about every second of my day including what I ate and wore and la-di-da…

I slept in ProCompression Socks last night because I can. sexy lingerie’s got nothing on compression gear. (Use ‘RER’ for 40% off!). vegas insists on photo-bombing my life away.

I had to get a few things done before my run so the sun was shining down on me pretty hard by the time I was finished with my 10 miler. I discovered my shadow and stopped to take a running pose picture.

The sun’s angle can distort your shadow certainly – notice how my bottom half looks bigger than my top (which it is in real life, but not to this degree).

But then notice, MY huge HEAD (not in the conceited way, count on me). I seriously have the most significant head (and hands and feet). I am self-conscious about my massive head and face and feets and hands because I think it’s pretty apparent that they are larger than they ought to be for a girl that’s not a WNBA player. Like, I feel like the nail lady at the beauty salon is going to charge me extra one day for all the extra lotion and nail polish they have to use on me…

Véletlen. very random Monican.

(source: nataliedee)


These clementines x6.

Szép napot!!

Question: how productive have you been today?

Do you have a small, medium or large head?

Are your tempted to measure your head now??

Mert én.

Küldje el nekem a munkafüzetet


A megosztás törődés!

Ossza meg



Ossza meg


Ossza meg

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