Helló! Mi újság? Ki működik egy 5K vagy 10K futtatásához a Hálaadás körül?! Tegnap este a nők is jöttek, és Bri lángos brojlert hozott. mint ez a hely. Legújabb videóim Maratoni edzés 3. napja Maratoni edzés videó napló – 3. napos naplós További videók 0 másodperc 51 másodperc Következö 4 perc alsó test edzés a […]
Month: August 2022
Spa Week discount rate as well as balancing My Chakras
I had the very best massage today as well as now I get to share a excellent massage or health club discount rate with you! I was invited to the Hylunia wellness health club in Newport beach as part of a health club Week promotion. It’s a extremely special health club devoted to the concept […]
Can Cats eat Sriracha?
Confession Thursday! It’s that time again… where I spill my people on the Web as well as one of you phone calls CPS on me for being a poor feline mommy (Cat security Services). Gyónás… MY most current VIDEOS Mit eszek egy nap alatt – Runner Edition Mit ettem egy nap alatt. Élelmiszer -napló egy […]
A levegőben!
Helló a levegőből! Jelenleg Indiana felett repülök, amikor a SoCal felé vezető úton vagyok !! Nagyon izgatott vagyok, hogy hazaérhetek, és meglátom a családomat és a háziállatomat. Annyira otthon vagyok, és nagyon hiányzik nekik. Ez egy nagyon szükséges adag családi idő lesz! Legújabb videóim 5 perces futás melegítse fel a Gyorsan melegítse fel a futók […]
I quit Running (marathons) Kinda
After the LB Marathon I was very confused about where to take my running. Sure, I accomplished my big 2011 goal = sub 4 but I still walked hobbled away from the race with my confidence shaken. during the race I made deals with myself that included, “Keep running now and you will never have […]
Who influences who
I have been blogging for almost two years (!) as well as reading for longer. Recently, I have been believing about exactly how I am still so influenced by other blogs. A great deal of it is good, I am grateful to Kath for her tasty oatmeal topping concepts as well as Roni for her […]
2010 – My Healthiest Year Yet!
I want to make 2010 my healthiest year yet so I’ve come up with a non-stressful way to incorporate 12 new healthy routines into my life. each month I will focus on one activity or Habit/Food/Goal to help make me healthier and happier. Since I believe health and happiness go hand in hand, some of […]
January Challenge: Meatless Mondays
I want to make 2010 my healthiest year ever as well as I have a great deal of health and wellness associated goals that I want to integrate into my life. I made a decision instead of overwhelming myself with 12 different things, I would take one step toward a healthier life each month. One […]
Lentils as well as Rice
Today I was working with: lentils, rice, tomato paste as well as stewed tomatoes. I considered making the Lentil Loaf I made a year back (blogs are so awesome in exactly how you can keep track of that stuff!). But, I chose to wing it instead of using a recipe. I figured I would cook […]
IMS Arizona half Marathon recap
even though I only had to wake up at 5:30am (not early by race standards) I still cringed when my alarm went off this morning. Reluctantly, I rolled out of bed and did all my pre-race rituals – bathroom, change, eat Luckily, our hotel had a full kitchen so I was able to toast my […]