January Challenge: Meatless Mondays

I want to make 2010 my healthiest year ever as well as I have a great deal of health and wellness associated goals that I want to integrate into my life. I made a decision instead of overwhelming myself with 12 different things, I would take one step toward a healthier life each month.

One of my new Year’s Resolutions is to recommit to being vegetarian (I’ve been on as well as off for nearly ten years). But, I wished to include the blog as well as Ben in this step towards a healthier life. So, January’s health and wellness difficulty is – Meatless Mondays.
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Marathon training Day 3

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Each Monday I will make a dinner that is meatless, basic as well as dee-lish! Suggestion: If you’re already a vegetarian perhaps you might try a new recipe or a new bean or veggie on Mondays?

I will have to make the meal something that a meat-eater (Ben) would eat (without topping it with meat) so stay tuned if you have a carnivore you’re feeding as well ?

Today Ben as well as I hit the fitness center for some much needed exercise. It is so difficult to be stuck inside, however it’s completely chilly out! I did 30 min on the treadmill as well as then walked while reading a mag.

Breakfast was a bowl of cereal with cottage cheese added for protien as well as cherries. even though this breakfast was just as high in calories as my normal morning eats I was hungry less than two hours later (I can get close to four hours with oats).

After church as well as an errand I came house to a huge salad (I truly wished to hit up the regional salad bar, however showed some restraint to my wallet).

…and baked Cheetos. Why did I even get this crack?!

I couldn’t keep my hand out of the Cheetos bag so I put an apple in it! Chomp, chomp!But…now I’m hungry again! I suspect that starting my day with something other than oats or PB packed ww bread throws me off some exactly how the rest of the day! I like cereal, however you people understand it doesn’t like me back.

“Move” News: right here is the physical fitness patterns for 2010

People are hectic as well as lots of are experiencing economic difficulties – these are things affecting physical fitness trends.

Question: What effects your work-outs (or lack of work-outs)???



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