Skinny Runner Runs as well as Eats

keep in mind this summertime when I gained 7 pounds from eating fro-yo all the time as well as my blog writer buddies like skinny Runner didn’t gain an ounce?! Well, after I composed obscene things about her on the Yogurtland walls I had to beg her to re-friend me as well as compose a guest post.

Today my SoCal peep skinny Runner is sharing her running secrets. Kinda.
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A sportos rövidnadrág futtatása review.mp4


1. Where is your preferred location to run?

From the police.

Actually my preferred location to run is most likely a 10 mile loop close-by called the Back Bay loop in Newport Beach.  I like to pretend I’m rich as well as Bayer 04 Leverkusen Mez can pay for to online there however I select to online in the ghetto.  Life’s all about choices, right?

2. What is your preferred thing to eat after you run?

This is extremely lame in a healthy eater kind of way, however a salad. mindig. No matter what time I surface a run, particularly a long one, I always want a cold, salty salad even at 9am. Yes, I think about it one of the luckiest things ever right behind winning the mega-millions that I crave salad instead of quite much anything else.

The more salt, the better.  We’re speaking pickles, olives, sauerkraut, feta cheese, weird stuff however not as weird as Monica’s salad.  Let’s be honest: nothing tops those psycho creations. 

(This salad has smoked salmon, pickled beets, pickles, feta cheese, feta dressing as well as apples.)

3. What is your preferred piece of running gear?

I’m truly lured to state my sports bra, however black eyes aren’t that bad… as well as the primary reason why undereye concealer was invented.  So I’m going with my garmin 405 watch.  I’d like to believe I’m generally normal, however I go garmin-crazy: I have to have it on for each run.

4. name the #1 race you dream of running…

The fantastic Race.  like on tv.  Wait, the TV adds 10 pounds, you say?!  fail to remember that then; no how, no way.

I’d like to do a huge worldwide marathon like London, Berlin or Edinburgh although I’m not 100% sure where that is….

5. Which race that you’ve ran is your favorite?

That’s difficult to state since there’s a couple marathons that are extremely special to me for personal reasons (see, I’m not a dude; I have feelings), however as far as actual races, the nyc Marathon last year was quite insane.  I ran by a truth TV star as well as satisfied Damien as well as Nicole from the 7th season of The biggest Loser.  Oh yeah, as well as did that whole running a marathon thing.

I’m beyond excited for NYCM this year, however if I don’t see somebody famous like Alicia secrets singing that new York tune out on the walkway in front of a hot dog cart or all 4 of the Sex as well as the City women having cosmos together at the Statue of Liberty, I’m gonna be truly mad.

6. What is your preferred tune to run to?

I really prefer running without music unless I’m in a race, as well as then I try to wait up until the second half of the race to turn it on.  It took me a long time to River Plate Mez get to the point where I might run music-less without wanting to trip every person I ran by out of sheer boredom, however now I enjoy the quiet.  Plus, I get to talk to myself more in the third person.  like that’s not weird.

Thanks skinny Runner! keep being skinny or you can just stand by me in photos as well as look skinny. as well as running.

See you at Yogurtland when I get back!

2. kérdés. What is your preferred thing to eat after you run?

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